i want my program to do a task every x frames. However it does not seem to work, due to the fact that the timer in python seems to be inaccurate. How do i get this piece of code to obey my set framerate?
import time
fps = 5
skipticks = 1/(fps*1.0)
i= 0
print skipticks, fps
while (True):
tim= time.clock()
# this prints the fps
#'print 'Fps at start',i, 1/(time.time()-tim)
# this is the sleep that limits the fps
sleeptime = nextsnap-time.clock()
if (sleeptime>0):
time.sleep (sleeptime)
print 'took too long'
print 'Fps at end:#', i, 1/(time.clock()-tim)
this produces on my computer:
Fps at end:# 45 4.36627853079
Fps at end:# 46 6.44119324776
Fps at end:# 47 4.53966049676
Fps at end:# 48 4.66471670624
Fps at end:# 49 7.18312473536
Fps at end:# 50 4.34786490268
Fps at end:# 51 6.5263951487
Fps at end:# 52 4.71715853908
Fps at end:# 53 4.59636712435
Fps at end:# 54 6.87201830723
Fps at end:# 55 4.31062740848
Why are there frames that are rendered too fast? And why is the fps count inaccurate?
If it's about mesuring the accuracy you can have with time.clock()
and time.sleep()
, use something as simple as possible like:
import time
fps = 5
time_delta = 1./fps
while True:
t0 = time.clock()
t1 = time.clock()
print 1. / (t1 - t0)
What is your OS and what is the result of this simple mesure ?
If it's about cleaning your code, I would separate more clearly the FPS evaluation, the processing and the sleep call. Here is an example (the loop #0 frequency displayed should be ignored).
import time
import random
from itertools import count
fps = 5
loop_delta = 1./fps
current_time = target_time = time.clock()
for i in count():
#### loop frequency evaluation
previous_time, current_time = current_time, time.clock()
time_delta = current_time - previous_time
print 'loop #%d frequency: %s' % (i, 1. / time_delta)
#### processing
# processing example that sleeps a random time between 0 and loop_delta/2.
time.sleep(random.uniform(0, loop_delta / 2.))
#### sleep management
target_time += loop_delta
sleep_time = target_time - time.clock()
if sleep_time > 0:
print 'took too long'
Also, you probably want time.time()
rather than time.clock()
. See time.clock() vs. time.time() - accuracy answer.