I would like to include the application version and internal revision, something like 1.0.1 (r1243), in my application's settings bundle.
The Root.plist file contains a fragment like this...
and I would like to replace the "VersionValue" string at build time.
I have a script that can extract the version number from my repository, what I need is a way to process (pre-process) the Root.plist file, at build time, and replace the revision number without affecting the source file.
I managed to do what I wanted by using the pListcompiler (http://sourceforge.net/projects/plistcompiler) open source porject.
Using this compiler you can write the property file in a .plc file using the following format:
plist {
dictionary {
key "StringsTable" value string "Root"
key "PreferenceSpecifiers" value array [
dictionary {
key "Type" value string "PSGroupSpecifier"
key "Title" value string "AboutSection"
dictionary {
key "Type" value string "PSTitleValueSpecifier"
key "Title" value string "Version"
key "Key" value string "version"
key "DefaultValue" value string "VersionValue"
key "Values" value array [
string "VersionValue"
key "Titles" value array [
string "r" kRevisionNumber
I had a custom run script build phase that was extracting my repository revision to .h file as described by brad-larson here.
The plc file can contain preprocessor directives, like #define, #message, #if, #elif, #include, #warning, #ifdef, #else, #pragma, #error, #ifndef, #endif, xcode environment variables. So I was able to reference the variable kRevisionNumber by adding the following directive
#include "Revision.h"
I also added a custom script build phase to my xcode target to run the plcompiler every time the project is beeing build
/usr/local/plistcompiler0.6/plcompile -dest Settings.bundle -o Root.plist Settings.plc
And that was it!