I have a opencv application tracking head from webcam.
I like to have something which will transfer live video stream of webcam to server where opencv program is running.
Opencv program manipulating image and transferring it to web-browser.
I have looked at
1. Red5 - (http://wiki.red5.org/wiki/Install)
2. jquery Webcam - (http://www.xarg.org/project/jquery-webcam-plugin/)
3. nimbb - (http://nimbb.com/Help/Api.aspx)
4. crtmpserver - (http://rtmpd.org) as @ciphor suggested
1 Red5 - I was getting build error when I am trying to install.(Now its working fine)
2 jquery Webcam - Is very slow I can't think of getting a video stream.(I don't want to use this)
3 nimbb - Is paid service so I have not looked at it.
4 crtmpserver - As Red5 worked I am no more interested
Please give me an idea which one to use.
If you thing Red5 is best give me tutorial to install (only if you have successfully installed it)
Please Help.
My suggestion is crtmpserver - (http://www.rtmpd.com/ ) The installation is quite easy on Linux systems, using cmake. This software supports RTMP, RTSP, MPEG-TS protocols.