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Need to convert Perl unpack to Inline::C AV*

I am struggling a bit to convert a Perl unpack to Inline::C

@array = unpack("C*", $buf);

This is what I have so far, but I am an Inline::C novice so I am having trouble of what to do next:

char* test = SvPVbyte(buf, len);
AV* arr = SvRV(?);

Can anyone provide a tip to how to do this?


  • The smart thing here is probably to avoid calling unpack, and do what unpack would do, which is simpler.

    STRLEN len;
    char *str = SvPVbyte(buf, len);
    AV *arr = newAV();
    char *ptr;
    for (ptr = str; ptr < str + len ; ptr++) {
        SV *char_value = newSViv(*ptr);
        av_push(arr, char_value);

    Or, of course, just write the loop and leave out the array if you don't need it :)