I just ran into a problem I already know from other programming languages/frameworks .... Whenever the user clicks a certain button on the keyboard, he triggers the same action than when a certain button in the GUI is pressed. ( Some guys call these "shortcuts" ;D )
To give the user an optical feedback, I would like to sorta "click" the button programmatically rather than calling the same functions that get called when the button is clicked.
If I set the button as a key equivalent in IB, it looks exactly as I want to have it. Can't do that here as the shortcut should just be enabled if the right textfields have focus.
Couldn't find a method in NSButton or similar that sounded right. I'm sure you guys can give me some direction!
Best and thanks in advance
You can just send performClick:
to the button. It will highlight itself, send its action to its target, and then unhighlight itself.
[self.someButton performClick:self];
If you really want to just highlight and unhighlight the button manually, you can use the highlight:
[self.someButton highlight:YES]; // button appears pressed
[self.someButton highlight:NO]; // button appears unpressed