I am using the criteria api in my grails app like this
def SummTblList = ['TxnSummMon','TxnSummTue','TxnSummWed','TxnSummThu','TxnSummFri','TxnSummSat','TxnSummSun']
def res_row;
res_row=it.createCriteria().list() {
between('date', new Date()-31, new Date())
projections {
groupProperty 'location'
How do I use an Alias for sum('actioncount').. want to name it t_count?
I have a case when resource is not selected ...basically that criteria should not be applied if selected_option is 'all' how do I create a conditional logic in criteria? or do I need to create to seperate criterias totally?
The goal here is thatI have 7 summary tables one for each day of the week and running the above query will give me all action counts for all locations in a date range. now I want to sum all the counts for all seven days of the week by location. so I should finally have a total of all action counts for all location for all days of the week, how do I create a criteria which returns this?
According to this page, you should be able to do:
sum 'actioncount', 't_count'