I have an app that sends data every 5 min, i saw that wifi after some time goes sleep and stop working.
I found one solution that is use a WakeLock SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK
The thing is: i can't have my screen waking (even dimmed) in this process. PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK
doesn't work in this case (to wake up wifi).
There is another solution for this problem?
I'm using this topic method to lock wifi, and isn't work either: Wifi sleeps, even with Lock
There is something wrong?
Have you tried using WifiManager.WifiLock
? Creating and holding a wifiLock is the way your suppose to keep your radio awake enough to send.
Also check: Just prior to sending your message, print out what ConnectivityManager thinks about your TYPE_WIFI connection. Does the ConnectivityManager think all is well with your wifi?