If condition or _
condition or _
condition or _
condition or _
condition or _
condition or _
condition or _
condition or _
condition or _
condition or Then
Do something
End If
Say I have more than these 10 conditions I need to evaluate... Is there a better way than just nesting multiple sets of these if
Here's an option -- do one test at a time, tracking the final result in a boolean. When you're all done, just test the boolean.
Dim A As Long
Dim B As Long
Dim C As Long
Dim D As Long
Dim Result As Boolean
Result = True
Result = Result And (A > 10)
Result = Result And (B > 10)
Result = Result And (C > 10)
Result = Result And (D > 10)
If Result Then
' Do "something" here...
End If
If any of A, B, C, or D is less than 10, Result
will flip to False
and stay that way from then on. It will only be True
if all of the tests pass.