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multi image collision detection

heres the problem

i have 5 balls floating around the screen that bounce of the sides, top and bottom. thats working great.

what i want to do now is work out if any of them collide with each other.

i know about

 if (CGRectIntersectsRect(image1.frame, image2.frame)) 


but that only checks two images, i need to check all and each of them..

ive checked everywhere but cant find the answer, only others searching the same thing, any ideas?

thanks in advance



im using this to find the CGRect and store it in an array

ball1 = NSStringFromCGRect(image1.frame);
ball2 = NSStringFromCGRect(image2.frame);
ball3 = NSStringFromCGRect(image3.frame);
ball4 = NSStringFromCGRect(image4.frame);
ball5 = NSStringFromCGRect(image5.frame);

bingoarray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:ball1,ball2,ball3,ball4,ball5,nil];

this then gets passed to a collision detection method

-(void)collision   {

    for (int i = 0;  i<[bingoarray count]-1 ; i++) {

        CGRect ballA = CGRectFromString([bingoarray objectAtIndex:i]);

        if (CGRectIntersectsRect(ballA, image1.frame)) {

this i guess should check one ball against all the others.

so ball 1 gets checked against the others but doesnt check ball 2 against them. is this nearly there?



  • That is a fun little math problem to avoid being redundant.

    You can create an array of the images. And loop through it, checking if each member collides with any successive members.

    I can spell it out more with code if need be.

    EDIT I couldn't resist

    // the images are in imagesArray
    //where you want to check for a collision
    int ballCount = [imagesArray count];
    int v1Index;
    int v2Index;
    UIImageView * v1;
    UIImageView * v2;
    for (v1Index = 0; v1Index < ballCount; v1Index++) {
      v1 = [imagesArray objectAtIndex:v1Index];
      for (v2Index = v1Index+1; v2Index < ballCount; v2Index++) {
        v2 = [imagesArray objectAtIndex:v2Index];
        if (CGRectIntersectsRect(v1.frame, v2.frame)) {
          // objects collided
          // react to collision here