Is there an easy way to use Spring IoC for a factory which returns a new instance at every call during runtime (after configuration and context creation)?
I would prefer to avoid a strong dependency to Spring and also avoid calling GetObject("myFacobj") everytime... I am looking for something like a method pointer injection instead (as I would do when programming in C instead of C#).
Maybe it is possible to inject a delegate to a factory call using Spring?
Some inspiration might by the post How to inject Predicate and Func in about injection of delegates (Func<>, ...) but I would prefer an "Spring-Built-In-Solution", if possible.
Spring.NET supports method injection, which could be a good fit here.
I've posted an example in this other answer of mine on how you might use method injection as an alternative to using context.GetObject(...)
, so that you don't have to take a dependency the di container.