Sum := 0;
for J in 1 .. N loop
Sum := Sum + J;
end loop;
Sum := ((N + 1) * N) / 2;
I've read that the first(left) solution is more "general" - applicable to a wide range of values - than second(right) solution. What does "general" mean - can be computed without overflow?
I think “more general” must mean “can be computed without overflow for a larger range of numbers”.
The intermediate product in (2) will overflow at 2^31 - 1 (for a 32-bit Integer
as you will get on most modern machines), which means that the largest legal result will be somewhat less than 2^30 - 1. (1) will let you continue almost as far again (if you can wait that long!)
This program explores the limits:
with Ada.Exceptions;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Summation is
N : Integer := 1;
Sum : Integer;
Put (Integer'Image (N) & " => ");
Sum := ((N + 1) * N) / 2;
Put_Line (Integer'Image (Sum));
N := N + 1;
end loop;
when E : others =>
Put_Line (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Message (E));
end Summation;
and if you compile with gnatmake -gnato summation.adb
and run it it ends with
46337 => 1073581953
46338 => 1073628291
46339 => 1073674630
46340 => 1073720970
46341 => summation.adb:9 overflow check failed
If you leave out the -gnato
, so that GNAT doesn’t do numeric overflow checks (a regrettable default, chosen as I remember for efficiency) this happens:
46337 => 1073581953
46338 => 1073628291
46339 => 1073674630
46340 => 1073720970
46341 => -1073716337
46342 => -1073669995
46343 => -1073623652
I suppose you could get the longer range by dividing whichever of N
and N + 1
was even (one clearly must be!) by 2 before doing the multiplication.
This isn’t really an Ada problem (though -gnato
makes it easier to see when things go wrong than might happen with some other languages), and it’s certainly not a factorial! Is it possible to edit the title?