How would I use SolrNet to execute a GREATER THAN/LESS THAN query?
My documents have a field called "minimumDays" and I only want to return docs where that field is LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO the number I pass into the query.
I currently have this, but am not sure it's correct.
int requestedDays = 3;
var minimumNightsQuery = new SolrQueryByRange<int>("minimumDays", 0, requestedDays, true);
Am I on the right track?
The second part here is if there is some way to better understand the query that is being passed into Solr from SolrNet? Debugging value or something where I can inspect the "q" variable for instance.
Thanks again for your help
You can use SolrQueryByRange for the first part of your question. Your code does look good. debugging your query and results might help. I have found that SolrNet does some odd things. -
For the second part, You can intercept the ISolrConnection and put in your own in between. For a good start check this out: I have one that logs the query and the results, and if a config setting is on it appends the debug param and logs that result also. Its great info to have.... and one of the only ways to get it.