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Robotics Club Programming Portion

My school has entered into a Robotics Tournament that competes several schools against each other(this is my school's first year). The objective of the robot is to shoot a ball into a hoop. I am a member of the Programming team. Our job as the programmers is to program a robot and a computer to control the robot. The computer has 2 joy sticks attached to it, one for moving the entire robot(spinning the wheels and causing the robot to move) and one is for the "throwing arm". A signal is going to be sent from the computer to the robot using wifi. All of the programming MUST be done in LabView.

I have never heard of LabView before until i joined this club and i have my doubts about it. The reason why we must use LabView is because most of the kids on the programming team have no programming experience whatsoever. LabView has to be able to interface with the joy sticks and then send that information to the robot using wifi. The micro controller on the robot supports LabView.

Now to my question, is LabView dynamic enough to preform this task? Can LabView even support networking? Can LabView even interface with the joy sticks? I have read a lot of the documentation for LabView from this website:

My concern is that LabView is not dynamic enough for what we are trying to use it for as a team and we are going to have to program the computer and the micro controller using C. There are only 2 people on the team who can program sufficiently in C so we would have to teach the rest of the members the basics of C.

All relevant answers are welcomed and appreciated.


  • LabVIEW can totally do this. I am biased: I've written a textbook on it and am teaching classes:-); I also do this for a living. In comparision to C, well, C can do anything, but LabVIEW does hardware on a much higher level. Doesn't mean I don't like bending pointers for a bit; but it's nice to not care about low-level functions for a while.

    Interfacing a joystick is pretty simple, it looks like this: To interface Wifi, it depends on how the robot should receive the information. TCP/IP would go like this: