I use MVCMailer with asp.net MVC 3. It's a great library but I have a problem.
I saw it's possible to embed image in email like so :
var resources = new Dictionary<string, string>();
resources["image"] = imagePath;
PopulateBody(mailMessage, "WelcomeMessage", resources);
Therefore it looks like "resources" is expecting a path to the image from the filesystem, however, my image is in memorystream.
Would it be possible to embed the image as a base64 straight away without having to actually write the file on disk and then pass the path?
Thanks for your help!
Baucause MVCMailer is based on System.Net.Mail it's easy to add LinkedResource as stream.
Here is the fix :
in ILinkedResourceProvider.cs add :
List<LinkedResource> GetAll(Dictionary<string, MemoryStream> resources);
LinkedResource Get(string contentId, MemoryStream stream);
in LinkedResourceProvider add :
public virtual List<LinkedResource> GetAll(Dictionary<string, MemoryStream> resources)
var linkedResources = new List<LinkedResource>();
foreach (var resource in resources)
linkedResources.Add(Get(resource.Key, resource.Value));
return linkedResources;
public virtual LinkedResource Get(string contentId, MemoryStream stream)
LinkedResource resource = new LinkedResource(stream);
resource.ContentId = contentId;
return resource;
In MailerBase.cs add :
public virtual void PopulateBody(MailMessage mailMessage, string viewName, Dictionary<string, MemoryStream> linkedResources)
PopulateBody(mailMessage, viewName, null, linkedResources);
public virtual void PopulateBody(MailMessage mailMessage, string viewName, string masterName = null, Dictionary<string, MemoryStream> linkedResources = null)
if (mailMessage == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mailMessage", "mailMessage cannot be null");
masterName = masterName ?? MasterName;
var linkedResourcesPresent = linkedResources != null && linkedResources.Count > 0;
var textExists = TextViewExists(viewName, masterName);
//if Text exists, it always goes to the body
if (textExists)
PopulateTextBody(mailMessage, viewName, masterName);
// if html exists
if (HtmlViewExists(viewName, masterName))
if (textExists || linkedResourcesPresent)
PopulateHtmlPart(mailMessage, viewName, masterName, linkedResources);
PopulateHtmlBody(mailMessage, viewName, masterName);
public virtual AlternateView PopulateHtmlPart(MailMessage mailMessage, string viewName, string masterName, Dictionary<string, MemoryStream> linkedResources)
var htmlPart = PopulatePart(mailMessage, viewName, "text/html", masterName);
if (htmlPart != null)
PopulateLinkedResources(htmlPart, linkedResources);
return htmlPart;
public virtual List<LinkedResource> PopulateLinkedResources(AlternateView mailPart, Dictionary<string, MemoryStream> resources)
if (resources == null || resources.Count == 0)
return new List<LinkedResource>();
var linkedResources = LinkedResourceProvider.GetAll(resources);
linkedResources.ForEach(resource => mailPart.LinkedResources.Add(resource));
return linkedResources;
Hope it will be part of next MVCMailer release.