I expect that my android application is allowed to install only on real device, and android-emulator can't.How can I limit my android application installed on real device only ? Thanks for any replies.
There's one way how to handle it. Just check device id (IMEI code). For emulator it's always null
, so you can define either someone tries to launch it in real device or in emulator.
TelephonyManager tm=(TelephonyManager )activity.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
if(tm==null || !this.hasTelephony())
Log.v(TAG, "Can't get telephony service. Forcing shut down!");
return false;
String deviceId=tm.getDeviceId();
if(deviceId==null || deviceId.length() < 2)
Log.v(TAG, "Looks like emulator - bail out!");
Toast.makeText(activity, "This special version not intended to run in this device!", 5000).show();
return false;