I am trying to build a small page using django which uses a facebook login, and I am using the django-social-auth package from agiliq: https://github.com/agiliq/Django-Socialauth and trying to follow the documentation.
However, I am not able to see/test the login from facebook.
The settings.py and urls.py can be found here: http://dpaste.com/685141/
When I go to: I get the following error from facebook:
f Error:
An error occurred. Please try later
where, f is the facebook sprite.
As I understand, I think I need to specify the redirect url (?) but I am not entirely sure how to go about doing this.
Well First of all I don't see the SOCIAL_AUTH_ENABLED_BACKENDS setting
mine is like this: SOCIAL_AUTH_ENABLED_BACKENDS = ('twitter','facebook','google')
Also be advised that facebook will never return an ok state for a remote url that does not match the domain name you said you had in your app.
So localhost != domain name is not cool to them.
also I'd advise if you took down your dpaste because your keys, email and root password are exposed.