How can I write a wrapper that can wrap any function and can be called just like the function itself?
The reason I need this: I want a Timer object that can wrap a function and behave just like the function itself, plus it logs the accumulated time of all its calls.
The scenario would look like this:
// a function whose runtime should be logged
double foo(int x) {
// do something that takes some time ...
Timer timed_foo(&foo); // timed_foo is a wrapping fct obj
double a = timed_foo(3);
double b = timed_foo(2);
double c = timed_foo(5);
std::cout << "Elapsed: " << timed_foo.GetElapsedTime();
How can I write this Timer
I am trying something like this:
#include <tr1/functional>
using std::tr1::function;
template<class Function>
class Timer {
Timer(Function& fct)
: fct_(fct) {}
??? operator()(???){
// call the fct_,
// measure runtime and add to elapsed_time_
long GetElapsedTime() { return elapsed_time_; }
Function& fct_;
long elapsed_time_;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
typedef function<double(int)> MyFct;
MyFct fct = &foo;
Timer<MyFct> timed_foo(fct);
double a = timed_foo(3);
double b = timed_foo(2);
double c = timed_foo(5);
std::cout << "Elapsed: " << timed_foo.GetElapsedTime();
(BTW, I know of gprof
and other tools for profiling runtime, but having such a Timer
object to log the runtime of a few selected functions is more convenient for my purposes.)
Here is an easy way to wrap functions.
template<typename T>
class Functor {
T f;
Functor(T t){
f = t;
T& operator()(){
return f;
int add(int a, int b)
return a+b;
void testing()
Functor<int (*)(int, int)> f(add);
cout << f()(2,3);