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FPDF Error wont allow google chart api, since no image extension

FPDF error: Image file has no extension and no type was specified:

Is the error I receive when I try to have this:

<img src="">

In my html, that FPDF will html2pdf convert.

So how can i do this? I really need this QR chart inside this pdf.


  • After spending hours on this exact problem I finally figured it out. First, as others has suggested, I did NOT need to add a &.png at the end of my url. The key turned out to be the spaces in the labels.

    $chart_url = str_replace(" ","%20",$chart_url);
    echo '< img src="'.$chart_url.'"/>'; (remove the space between < img)

    The above worked perfectly.

    Here is the full code as requested. I removed the header and footer...

    <style type="text/css">
    <page backtop="120px" backbottom="105px" backleft="10mm" backright="10mm" style="font-size: 10pt">
    <bookmark title="Test" level="0" ></bookmark>
    <img src="" /> 
    $html = ob_get_clean();     
    // init HTML2PDF
    $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'fr', true, 'UTF-8', array(0, 0, 0, 0));
    // display the full page
    // convert
    // send the PDF
    return $html2pdf->Output('shop_preview.pdf','true');
    return $file;

    Then I simply echo'd the returned '$file'.

    Here is the fpdf class I use: