I'm trying to create an ajax pagination with jQuery. I am getting it to work but with a massive problem:
The pagination consists of <<-First <-Previous Page1 Page2 Next-> Last->> and each button works. The pagenum is sent through ajax and reloads the DIV the page sits in displaying posts relevant to that page number (Page 1 = posts 1-10, etc).
Lets assume we are on Page 1 of a total of 2 pages. Clicking on Page 2, Next, or Last brings me to page 2 as it should. If I then click Page 1, Previous or Last I am brought to page 1 as I should but the ajax is launched twice.
If I then again click Page 2, Next, or Last I am brought to page 2, again as I should but the ajax gets launched 4 times. If I return to Page 1, the ajax is launched 8 times.
You can see where I'm going with this.
I am including my code for 3 files:
index.php in which the content is displayed inside
<script type="text/javascript" src="fetchposts.js"></script>
<div id="contPaginated">
<div id="content"></div>
fetchposts.js which loads getposts.php (seperates my content from wordpress stuff)
$(document).ready(function() {
getposts.php which loads the posts as well as the pagination (this is where the problem is happening, only pagination code included since that is where the problem is)
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var first = 1;
var currentPage = 1;
var numrows = <?php echo $rows; ?>;
var pagerows = <?php echo $page_rows; ?>;
var last = <?php echo $last; ?>;
var pagenum = '';
var hideLikes = <?php echo $hideLikes; ?>;
var hideDislikes = <?php echo $hideDislikes; ?>;
for (i = 1; i <= last; i++){
$('<div id="page_' + i + '" class="pageNum"><a href="#">' + i + '</a></div>').appendTo('.pages');
$('.pageNum').live('click', function() {
pagenum = $(this).attr('id').replace('page_', '');
return false;
$('.first').live('click', function() {
pagenum = first;
return false;
$('.previous').live('click', function() {
pagenum = Math.max(currentPage - 1, first);
return false;
$('.next').live('click', function() {
pagenum = Math.min(currentPage + 1, last);
return false;
$('.last').live('click', function() {
pagenum = last;
return false;
function paginationAjax(){
// Send values to database
url: 'getposts.php',
//check.php receives the values sent to it and stores them in the database
type: 'GET',
data: 'pagenum=' + pagenum,
success: function(callback) {
<div class="Pagination">
<div class ="Pagination-inside-top">
<div class="first">
<a href=''> <<-First </a>
<div class="previous">
<a href=''> <-Previous</a>
<div class="pages"></div>
<div class="next">
<a href=''>Next -> </a>
<div class="last">
<a href=''>Last ->></a>
I want to make some things clear:
So again, the problem is that the ajax, while it functions fine and sends me to the right place, fires exponentially based on how many times I use the pagination: 1 click fires the ajax once but 2 clicks fires it twice, 3 clicks fires it 4 times, 4 clicks = 8 and so on.
So the question is: How do I stop the exponential loop?
Your live()
s are the cause as far as i can see...
I would assign Back & Forward a unique id and set the current page on the php part of your script (assuming you are passing json headers and then json_encode(), it would be something like $array_of_vals_for_json['back_button']=$thispage-1;
for previouse page link.
I think we would need to see what your php is doing to make any decent suggestions, but I am pretty sure your live is the cause of the looping