I'm using MonoDroid but an equivalent Java answer can still help.
I'm using a portrait layout and a landscape layout so, if possible, I want to use the Android screen orientation to automatically destory/create activities.
My app is using TextToSpeech
so in the activity's OnPause()
I am stopping it, which works well when the Home key is pressed or an incoming call is happening. However I don't want to stop the TextToSpeech on a screen orientation change from the user.
Is there a simple way of detecting this change so that TextToSpeech
isn't interrupted?
My activity's OnStop()
protected override void OnPause()
// I need this for Home key, intercepting phone calls, etc.
// But how can I prevent this for a screen orientation change?
// Need to enable screen orientation to get my portrait/landscape views
if(Text2Speech.IsTextToSpeechInitialised && Text2Speech.TextToSpeech != null)
As others have said in the comments on the question, I think you'll want to handle configuration changes yourself here. There are other configuration changes that can cause your activity to be restarted as well, such as revealing the device's hardware keyboard.
In Mono for Android you can specify which of these you want to handle yourself in the ActivityAttribute:
[Activity(ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.Orientation | ConfigChanges.KeyboardHidden)]
public class MainActivity : Activity