I have an array of URLs and I wan't to open each one and fetch a specific tag.
But I want to do this in parallel.
Here is the pseudocode for what I want to do:
urls = [...] tags = [] urls.each do |url| fetch_tag_asynchronously(url) do |tag| tags << tag end end wait_for_all_requests_to_finish()
If this could be done in a nice and safe way that would be awesome.
I could use thread but it doesn't look like arrays are thread safe in ruby.
You can achieve thread-safety by using a Mutex
require 'thread' # for Mutex
urls = %w(
threads = []
tags = []
tags_mutex = Mutex.new
urls.each do |url|
threads << Thread.new(url, tags) do |url, tags|
tag = fetch_tag(url)
tags_mutex.synchronize { tags << tag }
It could however be counter-productive to use a new thread for every URL, so limiting the number of threads like this might be more performant:
THREAD_COUNT = 8 # tweak this number for maximum performance.
tags = []
mutex = Mutex.new
THREAD_COUNT.times.map {
Thread.new(urls, tags) do |urls, tags|
while url = mutex.synchronize { urls.pop }
tag = fetch_tag(url)
mutex.synchronize { tags << tag }