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Python, using multiprocess is slower than not using it

After spending a lot of time trying to wrap my head around multiprocessing I came up with this code which is a benchmark test:

Example 1:

from multiprocessing  import Process

class Alter(Process):
    def __init__(self, word):
        self.word = word
        self.word2 = ''

    def run(self):
        # Alter string + test processing speed
        for i in range(80000):
            self.word2 = self.word2 + self.word

if __name__=='__main__':
    # Send a string to be altered
    thread1 = Alter('foo')
    thread2 = Alter('bar')

    # wait for both to finish



This completes in 2 seconds (half the time of multithreading). Out of curiosity I decided to run this next:

Example 2:

word2 = 'foo'
word3 = 'bar'

word = 'foo'
for i in range(80000):
    word2 = word2 + word

word  = 'bar'
for i in range(80000):
    word3 = word3 + word


To my horror this ran in less than half a second!

What is going on here? I expected multiprocessing to run faster - shouldn't it complete in half Example 2's time given that Example 1 is Example 2 split into two processes?


After considering Chris' feedback, I have included the 'actual' code consuming the most process time, and lead me to consider multiprocessing:

self.ListVar = [[13379+ strings],[13379+ strings],
                [13379+ strings],[13379+ strings]]

for b in range(len(self.ListVar)):
    self.list1 = []
    self.temp = []
    for n in range(len(self.ListVar[b])):
        if not self.ListVar[b][n] in self.temp:
            self.list1.insert(n, self.ListVar[b][n] + '(' + 
                              str(self.ListVar[b].count(self.ListVar[b][n])) +
           self.temp.insert(0, self.ListVar[b][n])

   self.ListVar[b] = list(self.list1)


  • ETA: Now that you've posted your code, I can tell you there is a simple way to do what you're doing MUCH faster (>100 times faster).

    I see that what you're doing is adding a frequency in parentheses to each item in a list of strings. Instead of counting all the elements each time (which, as you can confirm using cProfile, is by far the largest bottleneck in your code), you can just create a dictionary that maps from each element to its frequency. That way, you only have to go through the list twice- once to create the frequency dictionary, once to use it to add frequency.

    Here I'll show my new method, time it, and compare it to the old method using a generated test case. The test case even shows the new result to be exactly identical to the old one. Note: All you really need to pay attention to below is the new_method.

    import random
    import time
    import collections
    import cProfile
    LIST_LEN = 14000
    def timefunc(f):
        t = time.time()
        return time.time() - t
    def random_string(length=3):
        """Return a random string of given length"""
        return "".join([chr(random.randint(65, 90)) for i in range(length)])
    class Profiler:
        def __init__(self):
            self.original = [[random_string() for i in range(LIST_LEN)]
                                for j in range(4)]
        def old_method(self):
            self.ListVar = self.original[:]
            for b in range(len(self.ListVar)):
                self.list1 = []
                self.temp = []
                for n in range(len(self.ListVar[b])):
                    if not self.ListVar[b][n] in self.temp:
                        self.list1.insert(n, self.ListVar[b][n] + '(' +    str(self.ListVar[b].count(self.ListVar[b][n])) + ')')
                        self.temp.insert(0, self.ListVar[b][n])
                self.ListVar[b] = list(self.list1)
            return self.ListVar
        def new_method(self):
            self.ListVar = self.original[:]
            for i, inner_lst in enumerate(self.ListVar):
                freq_dict = collections.defaultdict(int)
                # create frequency dictionary
                for e in inner_lst:
                    freq_dict[e] += 1
                temp = set()
                ret = []
                for e in inner_lst:
                    if e not in temp:
                        ret.append(e + '(' + str(freq_dict[e]) + ')')
                self.ListVar[i] = ret
            return self.ListVar
        def time_and_confirm(self):
            Time the old and new methods, and confirm they return the same value
            time_a = time.time()
            l1 = self.old_method()
            time_b = time.time()
            l2 = self.new_method()
            time_c = time.time()
            # confirm that the two are the same
            assert l1 == l2, "The old and new methods don't return the same value"
            return time_b - time_a, time_c - time_b
    p = Profiler()
    print p.time_and_confirm()

    When I run this, it gets times of (15.963812112808228, 0.05961179733276367), meaning it's about 250 times faster, though this advantage depends on both how long the lists are and the frequency distribution within each list. I'm sure you'll agree that with this speed advantage, you probably won't need to use multiprocessing :)

    (My original answer is left in below for posterity)

    ETA: By the way, it is worth noting that this algorithm is roughly linear in the length of the lists, while the code you used is quadratic. This means it performs with even more of an advantage the larger the number of elements. For example, if you increase the length of each list to 1000000, it takes only 5 seconds to run. Based on extrapolation, the old code would take over a day :)

    It depends on the operation you are performing. For example:

    import time
    NUM_RANGE = 100000000
    from multiprocessing  import Process
    def timefunc(f):
        t = time.time()
        return time.time() - t
    def multi():
        class MultiProcess(Process):
            def __init__(self):
            def run(self):
                # Alter string + test processing speed
                for i in xrange(NUM_RANGE):
                    a = 20 * 20
        thread1 = MultiProcess()
        thread2 = MultiProcess()
    def single():
        for i in xrange(NUM_RANGE):
            a = 20 * 20
        for i in xrange(NUM_RANGE):
            a = 20 * 20
    print timefunc(multi) / timefunc(single)

    On my machine, the multiprocessed operation takes up only ~60% the time of the singlethreaded one.