I would like to have an option from my Application to toggle the display of the Main Menu.
Functionality can still be used through the Toolbar etc, so hiding the Menu will not take anything away. Hiding the Menu is really a GUI choice for user.
Anyway my Main Menu is setup using the TActionMenuBar and TActionManager (for the XP alphablend style).
I tried simply setting the Visible property of the MainMenuBar which resulted in this error message: "ActionMainMenuBar does not allow hiding."
I thought that was a bit odd, giving the fact the Visible property exists. Why would it be there, if I cannot actually change it?
So as usual I expected this to be a simple case of changing one setting and voila, but no I think this may require more work, I wouldn't even know where to start or what to look for.
Appreciate your ideas and suggestions thanks.
You need to set AllowHiding
to 'true' before setting Visible
to 'false'.