Varnish scripting seems rather robust for the vcl but I can't yet figure out how to make it do what I need. I run various sites from the same code base and I want a unified varnish cache for most of the directories so and should not store two copies of the same gif in varnish cache
However and should have separate caches based on the url.
Also is a whole other site that has its own cache.
My current direction is as follows
sub vcl_fetch {
if (req.url ~ ".*\.org/file\.php") {
# do normal site specific caching
} elseif (req.url ~ "^+?\") {
# cache all found material in a base directory so everyone knows where to look
set req.url = regsub(req.url, "(.*\.org)(.*)", "\2");
} else {
# do normal site specific caching for base site
sub vcl_recv {
# do I need to do something here to look in
I can make a real apache served site if necessary so the requests can fall through if no cache.
Am I on the write path, any help.
You should normalize
instead of req.url
, so
sub vcl_fetch {
# if it starts with /theme or /static, or contains .gif,.png etc,
# then consider the host to the normalized/common host
if (req.url ~ "^/(theme|static)" || req.url ~ "\.(gif|png)" ) {
set = "";
return (lookup);
# else, do non shared stuff here