I am using getattr to access properties of a model dynamically like so (Assuming the Student model has a property called name):
students = Student.objects.all()
property = 'name'
for student in students:
print getattr(student, property)
This works fine, however I'm wondering if it is possible to access a property of a related record in the same way, for example (Assuming each Student has a related Group with a property called title):
students = Student.objects.selected_related()
property = 'group.title'
for student in students:
print getattr(student, property)
With this, I just get the error 'Student has no attribute group.title'
Is there anyway to achieve this?
Any advice appreciated.
While the following code will do what you asked:
students = Student.objects.all()
attr_chain = "group.title".split(".")
for student in students:
item = student
for attr in attr_chain:
item = getattr(item, attr)
print "%s is in the group %s" % (student, item)
Depending on your needs I would suggest that you look into Django's values_list
function on the Queryset class, it can shorten and simplify code in many cases.
name_attr = "name"
#If you look in the documentation you will see why I use "__" here
group_title_attr = "group__title"
for student_name, group_title in Student.objects.all().values_list(name_attr, group_title_attr):
print "%s is in the group %s" % (student_name, group_title)