Search code examples

limit and pagination not working in expression engine exp:query

What is wrong in this code that is not allowing me to show only two records along with pagination any help highly appreciated?

{exp:channel:entries channel="article" status="open" orderby="date" sort="desc" 
 search:entry_id="{embed:entry_ids}"  dynamic="off"  limit="1" paginate="bottom"}

        {exp:query  limit="1" sql="select count(*) as recordcount  from exp_channel_data a where entry_id IN ({embed:entry_ids}) AND channel_id=8"}
             <b> {recordcount} </b> articles found for:<b> {embed:author_name} </b>
        <br />

        {exp:query limit="2" sql="Select B.field_id_29 as article_bodysubtitle,B.field_id_27 as bodytext, B.field_id_88 as iss_rel_id, D.title as articletitle, D.url_title as ut from exp_channel_data as B INNER JOIN exp_channel_titles D ON B.entry_id=D.entry_id where B.channel_id=8 AND B.entry_id IN({embed:entry_ids})"}
            <br />
            <strong><a href="{path='article/index/{ut}'}">{articletitle}</a></strong>:
            {exp:trunchtml chars="250" inline="..."}
               <br />                        
           <br />

          {embed="backissues/embed_iss" iss_rel_id="{iss_rel_id}"}
          <br /><br />
<p>Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages {pagination_links}</p>




  • {exp:query  limit="2" paginate="bottom"  sql="Select B.field_id_29 as article_bodysubtitle,B.field_id_27 as bodytext, B.field_id_88 as iss_rel_id, D.title as articletitle, D.url_title as ut
          from exp_channel_data as B
          INNER JOIN exp_channel_titles D ON B.entry_id=D.entry_id 
          where B.channel_id=8 
          AND B.entry_id IN({embed:entry_ids})"}
             <p>Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages {pagination_links}</p>
      {exp:channel:entries channel="article" status="open" orderby="date" sort="desc" 
        search:entry_id="{embed:entry_ids}"  dynamic="off" limit="1" }
        <strong><a href="{path='article/index/{ut}'}">{articletitle}</a></strong>:
            {exp:trunchtml chars="250" inline="..."}
               <br />
           <br />
          {embed="backissues/embed_iss" iss_rel_id="{iss_rel_id}"}
          <br /><br />