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list of methods for use with android NativeActivity

Does anyone know where I can find a list of all the native c/c++ methods and functions for use with the android NativeActivity. I cant seem to find a list anywhere on the google/android site and Ive been googling it for the past two days.


  • The documentation for NativeActivity can be found here. That is the Java side of the API, but the native side's documentation is a bit harder to find. This is a link to a doc about the native activity, which can be found in the 'docs' folder of the NDK as well. Additionally, the native_activity.h contains all of the C Android framework callbacks you'd expect, with their documentation and, naturally, method signatures. It can be found in the NDK in, e.g., \android-ndk-r6b\platforms\android-9\arch-x86\usr\include\android.
    Hope this helps you a little more than my original answer!

    EDIT: Added more documentation info.