Does anyone know where I can find a list of all the native c/c++ methods and functions for use with the android NativeActivity. I cant seem to find a list anywhere on the google/android site and Ive been googling it for the past two days.
The documentation for NativeActivity can be found here. That is the Java side of the API, but the native side's documentation is a bit harder to find. This is a link to a doc about the native activity, which can be found in the 'docs' folder of the NDK as well. Additionally, the native_activity.h contains all of the C Android framework callbacks you'd expect, with their documentation and, naturally, method signatures. It can be found in the NDK in, e.g., \android-ndk-r6b\platforms\android-9\arch-x86\usr\include\android.
Hope this helps you a little more than my original answer!
EDIT: Added more documentation info.