How do I display like in the following way in a table format?
Hostname HostIPs DomainName nameservers NSIps
My data is stored as follows for one row:
$hostName, @hostIps, $domainName, @nservers, @nsips
hostips, nsservers and nsips are arrays.
For one hostname - multiple hostIps and for one domain multiple nameservers and i have to display it in neatly formatted manner.
I tried using Text::Table
, but it isn't displaying the way I want.
my $tb = Text::Table->new("hostName", "IP Address", "domainName", "nameServers", "IP addr");
$tb->add ($hostName, @hostIps, $domainName, @nservers, @nsips);
print $tb;
I have to display it as:
hostName IP Address domainName nameServers IP addr
host1 ip1.1 domain1 serv1.1 addr1.1
ip1.2 serv1.2 addr1.2
ip1.3 serv1.3 addr1.3
host2 ip2 domain2 serv2 addr2
.. .. ..
host3 ip3 domain3 serv3 addr3
Just include newlines into the cell values:
join("\n", @hostIps),
join("\n", @nservers),
join "\n", @nsips