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Android unit testing with ContentProviders and databases

I have an app that uses a ContentProvider to serve data instead of directly accessing the database. The application is working as expected but I have a problem with unit tests: how can I force the ContentProvider to use a test database rather than a 'live' one? If I wasn't using a ContentProvider I could pass a different database name to the Constructor of my SQLiteOpenHelper sublass, but now the database is created with a call to onCreate() in my ContentProvider:

public boolean onCreate()
    UKMPGDataProvider.init(getContext(), Constants.DATABASE_NAME);
    return (UKMPGDataProvider.getWritableDatabase() == null) ? false : true;

As you can see, the database name is hardcoded.

Is there a way to pass a test name into the ContentProvider?


  • After a bit of digging, I found extending ProviderTestCase2 will automatically add a prefix to the database.