So I'm adding list elements to a list using .append(). Within the appended element is a div I need to attach the jQuery Slider widget to. Not sure if I have to use .on() or something. FWIW, an unlimited amount of li's can be added, which is why I'm using a class for the div.
Anyway here's a simplified snippet:
$cycleBlock += '<li>';
$cycleBlock += '<div class="cycleDuration"></div>';
$cycleBlock += '</li>';
You will need to bind the code before the element is actually appended I think. In this example I just bound a click event because I don't have your slider code.
$('button').click( function() {
//turn your div into a jquery object
var $cycleBlock = $('<div class="cycleDuration"></div>');
//bind the event
$cycleBlock.bind('click', function() { alert(); });
//append to the list
$('#cycles').append('<li />').children('li:last').append($cycleBlock);