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How can I use a local collection with Linq-to-SQL?

I read this question which is the same issue I'm having. Unfortunately, the marked solution didn't help. I'm probably misunderstanding something really obvious about LINQ.

I'm trying to do a reverse lookup of sorts. I need to find all courses that a student is enrolled in.

Here's the code...

public static IQueryable GetCoursesByStudent(string sStudentId)
    Ld_Sql_ServerDataContext ld_SqlContext = new Ld_Sql_ServerDataContext();

    // course-lesson IDs
    var activityEnrollmentIds = from ce in ld_SqlContext.YT_STUDENT_COURSE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS
                                where ce.STUDENT_EMPLOYEE_ID_NR.ToLower() == sStudentId.ToLower()
                                select ce.TRAINING_ACTIVITY_ID;

    // lesson parent course IDs
    var parentIds = from c in ld_SqlContext.YT_TRAINING_COMPONENT_RLTNPs
                    where activityEnrollmentIds.Contains(c.TRAINING_ACTIVITY_ID)
                    select c.PARENT_TRAINING_ACTIVITY_ID;

    // filtered list of courses    
    var courses = from c in ld_SqlContext.YT_TRAINING_COMPONENTs
                    where c.TRAINING_ACTIVITY_TYPE_DC == "Course" && 
                            || parentIds.ToList().Contains(c.TRAINING_ACTIVITY_ID))
                    select c;

    return courses;

I'm databinding the results to a an ASP:ListBox and the following error gets thrown on DataBind()...

System.NotSupportedException: Queries with local collections are not supported.

Anybody know what's going on?


  • Can you try this ?

    I think you should convert activityEnrollmentIds and parentIds into List before use it.

        public static IQueryable GetCoursesByStudent(string sStudentId)
            Ld_Sql_ServerDataContext ld_SqlContext = new Ld_Sql_ServerDataContext();
            // course-lesson IDs
            var activityEnrollmentIds = (from ce in ld_SqlContext.YT_STUDENT_COURSE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS
                                        where ce.STUDENT_EMPLOYEE_ID_NR.ToLower() == sStudentId.ToLower()
                                         select ce.TRAINING_ACTIVITY_ID).ToList();
            // lesson parent course IDs
            var parentIds = (from c in ld_SqlContext.YT_TRAINING_COMPONENT_RLTNPs
                            where activityEnrollmentIds.Contains(c.TRAINING_ACTIVITY_ID)
                             select c.PARENT_TRAINING_ACTIVITY_ID).ToList();
            // filtered list of courses    
            var courses = from c in ld_SqlContext.YT_TRAINING_COMPONENTs
                          where c.TRAINING_ACTIVITY_TYPE_DC == "Course" &&
                                  || parentIds.Contains(c.TRAINING_ACTIVITY_ID))
                          select c;
            return courses;