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Get LinkedIn Access Token with OAuthSimple in Javascript

I'm using OAuthSimple in Javascript with PIN based authentication (OOB flow). We are developing an HTML5 app which lives inside a mobile device's native wrapper using PhoneGap. There's not ANY server side (no URL at all), all requests are sent using the mobile device as a proxy.

So far I managed to:
- Get Request Token
- Redirect user to authorization page
- Got authorization PIN

I need sample code that shows how to get an Access Token using OAuthSimple Javascript library.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!


  • Not sure if you are the same person who posted on our forums recently (see post here, but I replied with demo code on how to do just that using OAuthSimple.

    The actual sample code can be found here:

    If you need any help using it, don't hesitate to reach out!
