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Vmware Install Error - vmwarer mcisocket64.msi failed

The following error is achieved on Vmware Installation when installing on an x64 Windows 7:

vmware mcisocket64.msi failed


  • I don't know why... but in looking at the vmsetup.20120104134836.log within %TEMP% I noted:

    20120104134909:INFO    CPackageManager::GetFile: VMwareVmciSockets64.msi
    20120104134909:INFO    CMSIHelper::InitMsiParameters: MSI Parameters: 
    20120104134909:INFO    CMSIHelper::InitMsiLogging: Successfully enabled logging to file C:\Users\dan\AppData\Local\Temp\vmsetup.20120104134836.vmwarevmcisockets64.msi.install.log, with mode 7967
    20120104134909:INFO    CInstallMSIOperation::Execute: Preparing to install VMwareVmciSockets64.msi, options: uninstall_on_rollback: 1, use_internal_ui: 0, parameters: 
    20120104134916:INFO    CInstallMSIOperation::Execute: Finished installing msi [0]
    20120104134916:INFO    CBootstrapCmd::RunOperation: Operation 'InstallMSI' completed successfully with return code 65537
    There is no user "dan" on my machine, so the above path would not work. I do not know why Vmware was looking for Dan... as far as I know Dan has never used my machine, and there is no reference in the registry to a "Dan".

    However, creating the directory where it was trying to create the file allowed the installation to finish without an issue.

    Hopefully this ends up helping someone else out as well.