Hi all i am using Google Custom search API
$search_query = "Amazon+Bestsellers+Rank:+200+in+Health+and+Beauty";
$amazon_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=3425lh43lkh52lk34jh5&cx=023470239740:kj2h3kl4hlk23&alt=atom&num=5&q='$search_query'";
$google_search = file_get_contents($amazon_url);
Now my Question is i am searching product with rank 200 in health and beauty, and this does work well but the Amazon department's real name is "Health&Beauty" so i can't use this string because "&" is used as parameter in url and i tried to use &
but doesn't work so do anyone know how to make it work.
API Key and CX number in url are changed for obvious reason.
--Thank you in advance.
Use urlencode to encode query parameters.