I have a CheckBox widget within a flowpanel, which is also within a flowpanel. Essentially, what I have is the following:
<div class="flowPanel1">
<div class="flowPanel2">
<div class="flowPanel2">
<div class="flowPanel2">
What i'd like to do is that when an anchor is clicked, I can uncheck the checkbox one I need unchecked. Keeping in mind that i'm generating the code above through a for loop using the checkbox value/id from an arrayList from a database. Hope that makes sense, thanks!
For those interested, here's what I did:
for (int j = 0; j < checkBoxList.size(); j++){
if(checkBoxList.get(j) == checkBoxId){
FlowPanel subFlowPanel = (FlowPanel) mainFlowPanel.getWidget(j);
CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox) subFlowPanel.getWidget(0);
PS. If you know a better way of achieving the same result, let me know. Thanks!