I wonder if anybody can help with a problem I'm having with MS Outlook 2011 for Mac and Gmail.
I am trying to map them so that I mainly/always use Outlook. I have managed to follow this tutorial online (http://tinyurl.com/23h88hk) to map the inbox folder. However, whenever I delete messages on Gmail's web interface or on my BlackBerry they go to the bin folder, and Outlook doesn't map the bin/deleted items, sent items and drafts folders.
I hope this makes sense and I appreciate any help sorting this.
When you delete messages straight from the Gmail server (ie. mail.google.com or Gmail app) and NOT sync your Outlook to receive your emails BEFORE the deletion, then it makes sense that Outlook doesn't map the emails you deleted on mail.google.com or via the Gmail app.
However, you can set Outlook to delete items from the Gmail server if you delete it through Outlook.
From what I understand, you are trying to map everything verbatim between Outlook and the Gmail servers.
Does my explanation make sense or do you need further clarification?