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sitecore 301 redirect iis 7

We are using IIS 7.5(windows 7 and integrated mode) and SiteCore 6.4. I have installed IIS Url Rewrite Feature to rediect permenetly moved url. I have setup a Test folder inside website root for which we do not have any items on sitecore content tree. I have setup url redirect for this folder using URL Rewrite feature of iis 7. But for some reason when i browse the Test folder, it is taking me to sitecore 404 page. Ideally it should redirect the page.

Rewrite rule:

        <rule name="Sitecore_local" stopProcessing="true">
            <match url="/TestUrlRedirect/" />
            <action type="Redirect" url="" />

I am trying to access http://localhost/TestUrlRedirect/


  • As we are using IIS 6.0 on sitecore CD server and IIS 7.5 on CM server, i resolve this issue by having my own url rewrite module.