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How to hide the UITabBar and show UIToolBar?

I read several answers to this question but couldn't figure out how to do it. I'm using Xcode 4.2 with ARC and no storyboards.

I'm developing an app based on the TabBar application template and extended it to contain 4 UITabBars. I'm not using UINavigationController but instead using UINavigationBar next to the status bar. When the app is loaded with the first tab shown, I have a button on the UINavigationBar and when I press it, I want to hide the UITabBar and instead show the UIToolBar at the same location where the UITabBar was located.

I tried to hide and show using the hidden property (hiding the UITabBar and showing UIToolBar). What happens is the UITabBar is hidden but the UIToolBar is shown above the location where the UITabBar was shown before. This looks ugly and I want it to be shown at the very bottom of the screen.

I think I can't use hidesBottomBarWhenPushed as I don't use a UINavigationController but instead using Navigation bar directly.

Also, I want to revert back to showing the UITabBar and hide the UIToolBar when pressing the same button on the UINavigationBar.


  • I am not sure if my idea would work for your scenario. Here it is...

    but before, just let me tell you that hiding UITabBar, unlike hiding UINavigationBar is not animated. So to me, hiding tabBar is not a user-friendly approach, unless you create your own subclass of UITabBarController that animates hiding the UITabBar.

    You can use presentModalViewController:animated and dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: methods. The viewController that is being shown modally can have a UINavigationBar, it pops out from the bottom of the screen and covers the UITabBar with animation.

    Hope that helps.