I want to delete with php (unlink function) file which is out of webroot. my web root is in
C:\server\webroot\project\... in webroot I have folder named project and in there I have .php files.
whats about files directory. it is situated C:\server\mp3_files...
Also I've created in httpd.conf Alias("mp3") of mp3_files directory
I am writing this script in C:\server\webroot\project\test.php
script is like so =>
function delete($filename){
if (unlink("/mp3/" . $filename)){
echo "Deleted";
} else {
echo "No";
this script gives me in php-errors => PHP-WARNING No such file or directory
also I have in (test.php) html form this =>
<a href="/mp3/file.txt">Download</a>
And this works (It opens this file.txt)
So I'm wondered why can't delete with marked function "delete($filename)" ?
"/mp3/" . $filename is an absolute filepath, not relative to the webserver root, so it's assuming that you have an mp3 directory under your filesystem root when you should be looking under /server/mp3
And is it /server/mp3 or /server/mp3_files
your post seems to contradict your code