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Com class debug method

I'm developing COM Interoperable classes using Visual Studio 2008. And consuming these classes on Visual FoxPro 9.0 When I compiled the class library it is registering after compilation.

On Visual FoxPro I'm creating object with this code piece on Command window:

newObj = CREATEOBJECT("CemT.Deneme.ClassTest")

When I wanted to chage Class Library on Visual Studio I can't compile and register the dll again. It gives me this error:

Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\clCOMTest.dll" to "bin\Debug\clCOMTest.dll". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\clCOMTest.dll' because it is being used by another process.

With this error I would have to quit VFP and start again. Before creating object I'm compiling the Class Library on Visual Studio. Then I can use the latest version of dll.

This looks very normal because of VFP using the dll but is there any way to do this without restarting VFP?


  • In VFP, have you tried

    RELEASE LIBRARY {your dll file}

    or, per documentation, you can clear ALL API libraries by


    (without any specific library name) to clear them