I've started learnig C++ (year ago) mostly because it's univerzal language IMO, and beacause almost everything is possible. but one thing isn't so: for example we are writing some code inside an object(class) and we need to find out it's name somehow:
class Test
public: const char* getMyIdentiferName()
// what now??
well the best option is to use 'this' keywod but that wouldn't help cos 'this' cant return name?
Test thatsMyName;
const char* = thtsMyName.getMyIdentiferName(); //return string "thatsMyName" how?
how do we get 'thatsMyName' string in in some generic function or even template??
ANOTHER EXAMPLE:(please answer this too)
how do we get typeid of some class?
class MyType
public: type_info getType()
return typeid(this); //that wont work of course :)
this looks funny but if any of you have some idea on how to achive similar task...
thanks alot.
EDIT: OK, everybodey say it's impossible to get the name of an object, I found out how to get the name:
class Test
public: string getObjectName()
string arg = typeid(*this).name();
arg.erase(arg.begin(), arg.begin() + 5);
return arg;
int main()
Test thisIsMyName;
cout << thisIsMyName.getObjectName() << endl;
return 0;
EDIT: Big thanks to Fiktik answering my second example who found the way oon how to get the type_info of the object!
The first thing you are asking is not possible. At least not directly.
You could create a macro for variable declaration that would register its name somewhere, something like this:
#define CREATE_VARIABLE(type, name) registerVariable<type>(#name); type name
but this is quite cumbersome and cannot be used everywhere. Why would you even want to have this functionality?
The second thing should work with only little adjustments:
class MyType
const type_info& getType()
return typeid(*this);