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cakephp: cupcake forum login function bug

I'm trying to get cupcake forum plugin's login function to work.

In the users_controller.php,

since the $user variable in the login function was not populated, it was giving errors. So I modified the login function as below:

public function login() {
    if (!empty($this->data)) {
        $this->User->action = 'login';
        //--------------code that i added--------------


        if ($this->User->validates()) {
            if ($user == $this->Auth->user()) {
                echo('i\'m not auth user');
            echo('not validated');

    $this->Toolbar->pageTitle(__d('forum', 'Login', true));

print_r($user) displays all the users from User model. By right it should be displaying only the data of the user who has logged in. How can I achieve that? I'm clueless and this is driving me insane.


  • $user=$this->User->find('all',array(
                        'condition'=>array( // here

    You have a typo - it should be conditions

    As the key is invalid, Cake won't recognise it and just ignores it - so returns all your users.