I have layout with two forms. I'm using scroller but scrollbars don't align to window but appear somewhere in the middle of the application screen.
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<s:Scroller width="601" height="539">
<s:Group >
<s:Form x="5" y="10" >
<s:FormItem width="265" label="Name:" textAlign="right">
<s:TextInput width="150"/>
<s:Form x="300" y="10">
<s:FormItem width="265" label="Color:" textAlign="right">
<s:TextInput width="150"/>
Below You can see screen-shot of my app. There is no scrollbars at the borders.
Here is the screen-shot with scroller set to width and height to 300 pixels. As You can see the scrollbar is not attached to window.
If you want the scroll bar on the right, to be on the right of the window, then set the width to 100%. Same for the height.
if you want the whole WindowedApplication to scroll, enable scrolling on the WindowedApplication in the properties tab, or add a canvas that is full width and height.