I have the following models:
class School < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :offers
has_many :players, :through => :offers
has_many :teammembers, :class_name => 'Offer', :conditions => ["on_roster = \'t\'"]
has_many :teamplayers, :through => :teammembers, :source => :player
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :offers, :dependent => :destroy
scope :sr, lambda {
where("(players.year = ? and players.redshirt = 't') or (players.year = ? and players.redshirt = 'f')", (Time.now + 8.months - 5.years).year, (Time.now + 8.months - 4.years).year)
class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :school
belongs_to :player
validates_uniqueness_of :school_id, :scope => [:player_id]
Then in my schools_controller I have
def show
@school = School.find(params[:id], :include => [{:offers => :player}])
@seniors = @school.teamplayers.sr
My issue is that I need to display a field from the offers model that is associated to the relationship between the School and the Player. Currently I'm performing an additional query in the view to get this field.
- @srpg.each do |player|
= Offer.find_by_school_id_and_player_id(@school.id, player.id).status
Obviously this is causing a N+1 issue, but I can't seem to figure out a way to bring back both the offer.status and the player.* in the same record.
Work with the offers instead:
# in model
class Offer
belongs_to :player
scope :of_seniors, includes(:player).where('player.kind = "senior"')
# in controller
@seniors_offers = @school.offers.of_seniors
# in view
- for offer in @seniors_offers
= offer.player.name
= offer.status
- end