I'm looking for an efficient way to implement the same kind of layout that the Android market.
Right now I'm using a UITableView
with custom cells. The data I'm sending from the server is something of the sort:
url: "app://url_of_content_in_the_app",
image: "http://url of the featured image",
height: 100
url: "app://url_of_content_in_the_app",
image: "http://url of the featured image",
height: 100
And I was thinking of updating the custom cell to support 2 or 3 buttons inside each cell, but I'm not sure this is the most efficient way to handle this. I was also thinking about a simple HTML page but I want the content to be cacheable easily.
One last point, the UITableView
way only handles horizontal subdivisions such as:
I can't do something like:
| |__|
You can do something like your last example (three-way cell), just have a cell two units high that you present three cells in as separate views.
Or at some point you may just decide putting views into a scroll view makes more sense, if there are not enough aspects of a UITableView you are making use of.