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Symfony 2 Forward Request passing along GET/POST params

Is it possible to forward a request, passing along all GET/POST params?

I think if I just do


I will go to dest without any GET/POST params?


My objective is actually to have a controller action like addSomething that takes checks that the user has the sufficient "items" to add something. Then forward the request to the approperiate controller to continue the actual adding of adding{Type}Something

Or would getting a "checking" service in all controllers that does the checking be more appropriate? Anyways, I think its informative to know how to forward to a controller action with all params


  • I don't see any reason here to forward the request back through the kernel. You can go the route of encapsulating this logic in a checker service, as you've suggested, or you may be able to create a kernel.request listener that runs after the router listener and applies the _controller attribute only if your conditions are met.

    For example, this routing.yml:

        pattern:  /xyz
        defaults: { _controller_candidate: "FooBundle:Bar:baz" }

    And this listener:

    class MyListener
        public function onKernelRequest($event)
            $request = $event->getRequest();
            if (!$controller = $request->attributes->get('_controller_candidiate')) {
            if (/* your logic... */) {
                $request->attributes->set('_controller', $controller');

    Configured to run after the core router listener:

            class: MyListener
                    name:     kernel.event_listener
                    event:    kernel.request
                    priority: -10

    The priority of the core router listener is 0 in Symfony 2.0 and 32 in Symfony 2.1. In either case, a priority of -10 should work.

    I'm curious to see if this works :)