As I write code in Python and suddenly feel like adding a new block in front of the code I have already written... the indentation of the complete code is affected...
It is a very tedious process to move to each line and change the there a way to do auto indent or something?
For example:
def somefunction:
x =5
return x
If I want to add a control block
For example:
def somefunction:
if True:
x =5
return x
return 0
this small change of adding a control block took a lot of tab work...
Is there a shortcut or something to do this easily?
I don't know what wacky planets everyone is coming from, but in most editors that don't date back to the stone age, indenting blocks of code typically only requires that a block of text be selected and Tab be pressed. On the flip side, Shift+Tab usually UNdents the block.
This is true for Visual Studio, Notepad2, e, Textmate, Slickedit, #Develop, etc. etc. etc.
If you're not doing large multi-file projects, I strongly recommend Notepad2. Its a very lightweight, free, easy-to-use notepad replacement with just enough code-centric features (line numbers, indentation guides, code highlighting, etc.)