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Reducing the number of lines in the code with named scope in rails

i have rails method to sort the blogs based on their votes (acts_as_votable).

The method is

      # @allblogs will be some filtered blogs array
      @fetch = []
      @most_effective_votes = []
      for blog in @allblogs
        @most_effective_votes << [,blog.votes_for]
      @most_effective_votes = @most_effective_votes.sort{|a,b| a[1]<=> b[1]}.Reverse
      for mev in @most_effective_votes
        @fetch << blog.Find(mev[0])
      @allblogs = @fetch.Paginate(:per_page => 10,:page=>params[:page])

How to reduce these many number of lines and to change this to some namedscope . Please give some suggestions.


  • I think must of what you are trying to do can be done with a query without the need of doing operations with arrays.

    First of all, @allblogs should be a scope, not a filtered array.

    Second, it sames you can change all of what you were doing by using:

    Blog.order("DESC votes_for")

    So your named_scope would be:

    class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
        scope :with_most_votes, order("votes_for DESC")

    And @fetch would be @allblogs.with_most_votes.

    Let me know if you need more help.