I want to use mongodb for a project.
OK yes, i able to connect to it and do things.
However, I want to be able to wrap the mongodb driver around a wrapper so if i want to change the database, i want to be easily change it.
Repository pattern looks like something I can use with Mongodb, but I m kinda over thinking where to start the connection? should i use a singleton ?
Mongodb docs says that it is thread safe, so if i create a single MongoServer and single MongoDatabase classes via Singleton and per collection, I can have a method that return a collections.
Is this a bad design?
What would be a better design?
I want to use singleton to create connection to database cause I dont want to keep creating connection per thread, if there is already a persistent connection.
any experience with this?
level. That's how it's done in side MongoDB Driver anywayMongoDatabase.Create(MongoUrl)
method with connection string. It already does the abstraction for you in terms of server and database name