i would like to implement a good throttle algorithm by in .net (C# or VB) but i cannot figure out how could i do that.
The case is my asp.net website should post requests to another website to fetch results. At maximum 300 requests per minute should be sent.
If the requests exceed the 300 limit the other party Api returns nothing (Which is something i would not like to use as a check in my code).
P.S. I have seen solutions in other languages than .net but i am a newbie and please be kind and keep your answers as simple as 123.
Thank you
You could have a simple application (or session) class and check that for hits. This is something extremely rough just to give you the idea:
public class APIHits {
public int hits { get; private set; }
private DateTime minute = DateTime.Now();
public bool AddHit()
if (hits < 300) {
return true;
if (DateTime.Now() > minute.AddSeconds(60))
//60 seconds later
minute = DateTime.Now();
hits = 1;
return true;
return false;